Your independent guide to the best concerts in 2025-2026! This website is operated by a ticket broker.
Ticket prices are set by third-party sellers and may be above or below face value.
We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by Billy Joel.
Billy Joel is back on the stage in 2025-2026 so you can have the chance to hear him performing your favorite songs, live and in person! While we don't know much about his full tour plans just yet, he does have a few appearances on the schedule, and this website will automatically update to reflect the latest Billy Joel 2025-2026 tour plans possible. That makes it a great resource to bookmark and check with regularly, as we'll have the most up to date info on all upcoming concerts, as well as amazing tickets listings at every price point!
So if you want to join the fun in 2025-2026, then don't miss out. Check out the Billy Joel Tour 2025-2026 schedule below to learn more, and get your tickets today!